
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


What actually gets a girl to like you, and how can you get better at it?

Well the first thing we need to do is break down what causes attraction, and how to really get that girl at your beckon call.Expression not Impression

Actually to talk specifically of impressing a girl, it’s kind of a loaded statement.

Something I often talk about is that you want to be the buyer, not the seller in an interaction.

If you are trying to impress her, what does that say about how you view her compared to yourself?

The goal is to actually get to the point where SHE is impressing YOU.

Easier said than done.

This is where concepts like Extreme Self Love come into play, and working on your MINDSET.

But since you are here for specifically because you asked how to impress a girl, here are five quick steps…

1. Speak LOUD!

-Loud is a sign that you are unstifled, and at ease with your environment. It shows that you are comfortable talking to her, and have talked to other girls just as cute as she is, making her feel more attracted.

2. Take up Space.

-Get big. Have a presence. Create an aura. The more physical space you can take up both as you talk and seated, the more it conveys that you are not insecure about your surroundings, a very attractive trait.

3. Maintain Eye Contact.

-One of the first thing a girl looks at when trying to determine if you are a high value attractive man is how much you are able to maintain eye contact as you talk to her. Hold it strong, even when you feel uncomfortable, get used to holding.

4. Have FUN!

-Stress is an indicator that your life is not handled. The most high value attractive guys have their shit together and feel at ease in the world. They can have fun because they have little to worry about.

5. Convey your Intent.

-Most guys are afraid to show that they actually like the girl, but if you can authentically show that you like her, and are willing to be vulnerable, it conveys MASSIVE value.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Chinese mobile working without battery and SIM